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God. No heat again last night. I woke up this morning and noticed the VOIP phone was working. I tried to call my boss to let him know and it didn’t work. Well he would hear me and then hear music on hold. He flipped out and thought I was trying to piss him off. Then I get pissed off because he won’t talk with me. Now work is fucked up. No it isn’t. They fucking need me. I am valuable. Sure I can be replaced but I am a damn fucking good working someone they would suffer if they were without. I know that about myself and I don’t need half-assed validation from anyone. I am fucking useful.

So in this stupid situation he thought I was trying to piss him off and then did what he could to piss me off. The moral: Don’t call work on your day off.

God I want to smoke. Please help me to not smoke today.